Have a life of financial freedom right now
Imagine your life when you are confident and comfortable with money.
Imagine your life without debt.
Imagine a future free from financial worry because you have a customized, value-based, goal-oriented money plan that is set on cruise control.
Let me help you create your rich & fulfilling life.
Transform your finances in 2 hours...
The Foundation Session
Cost: $225
This first 2-hour transformational coaching session is your first step towards financial freedom. Working with Coach Karen, you will begin to design your personalized Savvy Money Plan - a solid financial foundation based on YOUR goals and values. See your money clearly, control your cash flow, and outline actionable steps and strategic decisions to improve your financial health.
Follow-up Coaching Programs
With guidance, accountability and support from Coach Karen you will start implementing and refining your Savvy Money Plan. Every month your money confidence will continue to grow as you get closer to making your long-held dreams a reality. In just 90 days, your new money systems and habits will be in place and this is when the transformation really starts to happen.
Optimize your money
Implement a debt-reduction plan
Increase your savings
Reach goals faster
In less than one year, you will feel VERY different than how you feel today. You’ll see a promising future and know exactly how to create it.