Take control and be the master of your money...
Welcome to The Savvy Finance Coach, established by Karen Neorr in 2019 with a steadfast mission: to empower clients to be confident and comfortable with their money – cultivating a sense of financial freedom and guiding them towards a debt-free future. Rooted in the foundational principles of personal finance, our Savvy Wealth Building Program equips clients with the knowledge and tools they need to master their finances and break free from debt – to live a truly rich and fulfilling life.
Hi! i'm coach Karen.
Forget everything you’ve heard about Karen’s. It’s all rubbish. Karen’s are awesome, Karen’s are smart, and Karen’s are kind. And let me tell you something else. I’m the nicest Karen you will ever meet. My clients love me and here’s why...
My coaching is a judgment-free zone. I don’t care what you look like, who your friends are, or even how you spend your money. I truly don’t care. All I care about is helping you achieve the goals that you set for yourself. I will do everything I can to make sure you feel empowered, confident, and proud rather than ashamed and embarrassed.
My clients have more money and less stress. My clients save thousands in interest payments which has a corresponding impact on their well-being.
I am trustworthy. I understand how scary and vulnerable it can feel to share with me your money stories. Your privacy is of the utmost importance, and I provide you with my written guarantee to protect your confidence.
Honesty is my best policy. I’m not afraid to give you the hard truth in a loving and kind way. I also am willing to admit that I don’t know everything. If you have a question that I don’t know the answer to, or if you have a financial problem that I’m not entirely sure how to solve, I will do everything I can to make sure to get the answer or find someone who can.
I believe in you, no matter what. I believe that everything is figure-out-able and if you want it, you can achieve it. I believe in “yes/and”: yes you can pay off your debt and yes you can go on a vacation. You get to choose how to live your rich and fulfilling life and I’m here to support you. I am so proud of you just for showing up.
I want what’s best for you, period. The help, support and advice you will receive from me is from a place of service and I do not, nor will I ever, receive any kickbacks or financial perks from any other professionals, vendors, companies, or third-party products through coaching.
My coaching is centered in sound financial principles. My first financial lessons were learned in the school of hard knocks (which coincidentally ignited my passion for personal finance education). During my marriage, we accumulated $65,000 in debt and then transformed our lives by paying it off (thank you, Dave Ramsey). Divorce taught me another transformational life lesson when I became a single-parent, single-income household. I learned that I am an incredibly capable woman and I can be truly financially independent. I have also since learned that Dave Ramsey doesn't know everything (sorry, Dave). I have graduated from Financial Peace University, Financial Coach Academy (with ongoing training), and Coach Connections. As a member of AFCPE, I am currently training to become an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC), the gold standard in personal finance education.
even more about me...
I'm grateful to be living my rich & fulfilling life in Sandpoint, Idaho with my son and black lab. In earlier chapters of my life, I received degrees from Seattle University and the University of Idaho. My professional journey has included diverse roles in real estate, federal grant administration, forestry and wildland fire. I spend my leisure time hiking, biking and playing with my family in the mountains of North Idaho. I'm an active Rotarian and proudly spend many volunteer hours working to serve my community and others.